WARNING: NO OTHER WEBSITE HAS PERMISSION TO POST THIS TO THEIR SITE. YOU CAN ONLY LINK IT FROM PINOYBSN.10. Accept the fact that you can never know everything. Therefore, once you see an unfamiliar question that was never been taught, use your test taking strategies. [ From principle of contradiction up to magic words. Please refer to Dervid Jungco's lecture ]
9. If you are in Test I, II, III, and IV and you are being asked to prioritize, Use the principle of prioritization. [ Refer to Dervid Jungco's lecture ]
8. The use of your nursing process is heralded by the word: "The Nurse Would or The nurse's initial action" Remember to Assess first before intervening. If the situation and the question already assessed the patient, then proceed with the next step.
7. Encircle your modifiers. Some people make mistakes because of failure to see the word, "EXCEPT" or "NOT" or "INAPPROPRIATE"
6. Use your questionnaires as your scratch. You can write anything on that paper. If you will skip a number, place an asterisk or encircle the number.
5. DO NOT USE BLUNT PENCIL. Always use a sharp one and shade lightly. A sharpened pencil will give a very dark shade even if you will shade it lightly. Use the sides of the pencil not the tip. Use MONGOL NUMBER 2 ONLY. Some brands especially those made in china pencils are substandard. The machine will check the lead. If you are INCONSISTENT with your shading like an altering dark and light shades, you will FAIL the boards because of technicalities.
4. In your NP I, Remember to master these topics : The levels of prevention, 3 way bottle system, Chest physiotherapy and Postural drainage, NGT, Scientific theory of management, Nursing process, Managerial process, Managerial leadership style, Patterns of Nursing care, Knowing your Independent and Dependent variable, The exact arrangement of the research process as well as research design [qualitative and quantitative] , Sampling methods both the probability and non probability, RA 9173, The PRC and the BON Power and responsibilities as stipulated in RA 9173, The nurse's code of ethics, Nursing ethical principles like your benificence, non maleficence, prudence, justice, etc. Delegation and prioritization [Staff nurse will report to headnurse and then supervisor] Therapeutic communication, always answer "You seem afraid or upset"The complications of Immobility like your atelectasis, pneumonia and deep vein thrombosis and also your crimes related to nursing and the circumstances of the crimes, Blood transfusion and IV Fluids and your IV Therapy, which are isotonic, hypo and hypertonic, The complications associated with IV therapy like Phlebitis and Infiltration.
For optimum studying, read MERGE diagnostic, comprehensive preboard examination and critical examination for NP1.
3. In your NP II, Remember the following : Stages of labor, The causes of bleeding during pregnancy in the first, second and third trimester, Anesthesia during labor and interventions when the client is in PACU, Epidural, Spinal, Intrathecal Anesthesia, IMCI Pneumonia, Diarrhea, Malaria and Measles especially the breathing cut off according to age [ Eg. 60 for under 2 months ], Acute/Chronic cutoff [Acute diarrhea, Persistent diarrhea and ear infection under 14 days] The interventions for CHILD A, B and C, The world health organization programs, COPAR, Breastfeeding and Attachment, Heat loss of neonates, Contraceptives [ Condom, Cervical cap, IUD (Contraindications) Characteristic of toddlers in communicating [ Negativistic, Give option, Asking too many questions] .Leukemia and other hematologic diseases of the child, Newborn screening and the different diagnostic examinations for the female client and neonate especially your Amniocentesis, Sonogram and Leopold's maneuver. Study Pregnancy induce hypertension.
For optimum studying, Refer to the NP2 material that will be given last day of your final coaching [ For MERGE students only ]
2. In your III and IV, Master the following topics : Burns, Classification of Burns and Nursing Diagnosis for Burns, Drug use in burns [Silver Sulfadiazine], Electrolyte changes in burn [Hyperkalemia, Hyponatermia]. The WHO Pain ladder scale, Pain medications especially Demerol and Morphine, Pancreatitis, Cholecystitis, Hepatitis, Diabetes Milletus, Hyperkalemia, Hypokalemia, Hypo and Hypercalcemia ECG Changes in your fluid and electrolye imbalances as well as in your Myocardial Infarction, Pharmacologic and Non pharmacologic pain medications, HIV/AIDS Psychosocial managements, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis and Leprosy especially knowing which are the late and early signs of leprosy. Study Blood transfusion, Breast cancer and Colon cancer and the management and care of client's with colostomy. Study perioperative nursing and the complications following anesthesia, PACU Monitoring, Activities in the operating room, The aseptic technique, the functions of a srub and circulating nurse. Diabetes Milletus type 1, Insulin administration and monitoring for hypoglycemia, S/S of hypoglycemia, Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism, PTU, Lugol's,Tapazole/Methimazole, Acute and chronic renal failure, Dialysis, AGN, Rheumathoid and Ostearthritis, Bell's Palsy and Trigeminal neuralgia, Leukemia and Hematologic disorders especially Anemia. Blood transfusion reaction and the nursing actions during blood transfusion reaction. Anticancer drugs especially Oncovin, Prednisone, Adriamycin and Cytoxan. Study radiation and chemotherapy and their usual side effects [Skin burn, redness, do not wet radiation mark]. Mammography, BSE, TSE, DRE, Prostate and Colon cancer, Changes that occurs during elderly, Bladder, Colon and Cervical cancer Diagnostic examination/CEA,Proctosigmoidoscopy,Biopsy,Pap smear.
For optimum studying, Refer to NP3 AND NP4 of MERGE preboard, diagnostic and comprehensive exam. Study the FINAL COACHING material given during Mr, Dervid Jungco's lecture. [ The 250 item bullets ]
1. In your Test V study the following : Anxiety and anxiety disorders, The level of anxiety and your anxiolytics, Schizophrenia : Paranoid type and Catatonic type and your nursing interventions for these clients as well as your priority nursing diagnosis. Depression and your antidepressants, Mania, Personality disorders especially your Antisocial, Borderline and Paranoid. The defense mechanism use for different types of disorders and the priority NURSING DIAGNOSIS for each psychiatric disorders, Antipsychotic drugs its side effects and nursing intervention for each side effects. Electroconvulsive therapy, Thought process disturbance manifestation such as Clang Association, Pressured speech, Thought blocking, Word salad, perseveration etc. etc. Alteration in perception and thought like hallucination and delusion. Types of delusions eg. religious and persecutory. Activities and diet as well as nursing diagnosis for a client with Mania, Depressed and Alzhemiers/Dementia patient, Eating disorders and the treatments of choice [Cognitive Behavior therapy for Anorexia, Psychotheapy for the PDs, Cognitive for depression ] Always answer "STAY WITH THE CLIENT" especially if the question is about anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Always choose an option that will encourage verbalization of feelings, never answer an option with the word WHY.
Study your counter transference and your transference, Glaucoma, Cataract and crutch/cane walking. The principles of body mechanics, cranial nerve functioning and how to assess them as well as their disturbances especially Bells and Trigemnal Neuralgia. Meniere's disease, Delirum, Dementia, CVA/Stroke pathophysiology and Factors.
For optimum studying, Read NPV of MERGE Preboard, comprehensive and diagnostic examination. Also study the 250 item bullets given by Mr. Dervid Jungco.
ADDENDUMFor OPERATING ROOM NURSING in NP3, answer them with breeze using your OR questions seen in diagnostic, comprehensive and preboard examination in NP3.
For non merge students, study the following:
1. Functions and roles of the Circulating nurse, scrub nurse, anesthesiologist and surgeon.
2. Counting process of instruments, needles, and equipments.
3. Sterilization, Disinfection [High level to low level] and decontamination.
4. AORN guidelines in sterilization
5. Restricted, semi restricted and unrestricted areas and their appropriate attire
7. Critical, Non critical and Semi critical instruments. [ Critical is sterilized, Non critical is decontaminated and Semi critical is disinfected ]
8. Event related sterility
9. ANESTHESIA : Types and side effects. Routes of Spinal and epidural anesthesia. Caring for clients in the PACU.
10. The functions of different hospital departments: Blood bank, Dietary, Chaplaincy, Social service, pathology and crematory.
You are all set!
Goodluck to the November 2008 examinees!!!