The PRC made this announcement and therefore this is legally armed. Both Republic Act No., 8981 or the PRC Modernization Law and Republic Act No. 9173 or the Philippine Nursing Law provides that an "oathtaking" is required for "entry" to practice of the profession.
Mere registration or advancing this process does not therefore violate any legal provision since the release of license or BOARD CERTIFICATES (which is your true license) may not necessarily be the same day of registration and neither does it signal the entry to real and actual professional practice.
The PRC or Professional I.D. merely serves as confirmation instrument that the holder has a valid professional license. SO GO AS YOU ARE SCHEDULED AND REGISTER. THIS IS A NEW AND INNOVATIVE APPROACH. CONGRATULATIONS ALL and GOD BLESS.
-- Marco Antonio Sto Tomas
Mere registration or advancing this process does not therefore violate any legal provision since the release of license or BOARD CERTIFICATES (which is your true license) may not necessarily be the same day of registration and neither does it signal the entry to real and actual professional practice.
The PRC or Professional I.D. merely serves as confirmation instrument that the holder has a valid professional license. SO GO AS YOU ARE SCHEDULED AND REGISTER. THIS IS A NEW AND INNOVATIVE APPROACH. CONGRATULATIONS ALL and GOD BLESS.
-- Marco Antonio Sto Tomas