BATTLE OF THE REVIEW CENTERS : Which review center is for you [SOON]
BATTLE OF THE REVIEW CENTERS : Which review center is for you [SOON] will conduct research among the top review centers for the LOCAL boards within the week. Our purpose is to provide a list of the TOP and BEST PERFORMING Review centers in the country today and what the student nurses should know about these review centers.
If you are a previous reviewee or a reviewer and wants us to learn more about your review center, Please tell us by emailing information to
Please include the rate, schedule, review center locations, track record and vital information that will make the student nurses CHOOSE YOU. will conduct research among the top review centers for the LOCAL boards within the week. Our purpose is to provide a list of the TOP and BEST PERFORMING Review centers in the country today and what the student nurses should know about these review centers.
If you are a previous reviewee or a reviewer and wants us to learn more about your review center, Please tell us by emailing information to
Please include the rate, schedule, review center locations, track record and vital information that will make the student nurses CHOOSE YOU.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:19 PM