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DoLE denies UK ban on Pinoy nurses

DoLE denies Uk ban on Pinoy nurses


The Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) belied yesterday earlier reports claiming that the United Kingdom (UK) has imposed a ban on Filipino nurses following the issuance of a new hiring policy that takes effect on August 14, 2006.

Labor and Employment Secretary Arturo D. Brion clarified that UK has not imposed a ban against Filipino nurses, adding that they (Filipino nurses in that country) even helped, directly or indirectly, in the removal of the General Nurses from that country's current Shortage Occupation List.

Citing reports from the London Philippine Overseas Office (POLO), Brion said that under the new policy, UK employers intending to recruit foreign nurses are first required to advertise in the UK their job vacancies particularly for "General Nurses," based on the UK's recent removal of the said category from its Shortage Occupation List.

"The UK employers, [including] both the National Health Service (NHS) or independent health providers, would have to satisfy first the resident labor market test before they can recruit nurses from abroad," Labor Attache Jainal T. Rasul said in his report to Brion.

The labor chief also noted the earlier pronouncement of UK Health Minister Lord Warner that the change will make no difference to (foreign) nurses currently working in the UK.

"Thus there is no truth to reports that Filipinos have been displaced in the UK even as our POLO in London has confirmed that not a single Filipino nurse there has lost her job as a result of these developments," Brion said.

Currently, there are already some 40,000 Filipino nurses working in the UK's health care system, half of whom are already permanent residents or British citizens.

Despite the removal of the General Nurses from the shortage list, the UK has excluded the Specialist Nurses category from the new requirement imposed.

The Specialist category includes those nurses specialized in Audiology, Sleep/Respiratory Physiology, Neurophysiology, Cardiac Physiology, Operating Theater Nursing, Clinical Radiology, Pathology, and Critical Care.

Rasul quoted the projection of the UK's Royal College of Nursing that some 150,000 UK nurses are due to retire in the next five to 10 years, and foreign nurses are expected to continue to complement the UK's own nursing workforce into the future.

FROM: Tempo

it was not true....

i know coz the embassy told us that there was no such thing a ban list for philippine workers...

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