It has to go in a custom footer (not html module) to work*. The source, which also has some interesting thoughts on the desirability of disabling right click, is below: *Using in a custom footer:replace all code in xslt box with this: ]]>

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The TRIVIA BOT Needs question contributors!

Currently, Pinoy BSN Trivia bot shows question on general knowledge category unrelated to nursing. In plans to widen the knowledge database of students and nurses alike, we are planning to create a Trivia Bot with the largest nursing question database in the world.

Questions will be related to Nursing and nursing alone, concentrating on the possible local board questions with an insertion nclex/cgfns knowledge database.

The Trivia Bot runs on the chat channel of Pinoy BSN. You can enter either via MIRC [ Server is on port 6667 channel #pinoybsn or via the website by clicking the Enter PinoyBSN Chat!


You can now contribute via the chatroom when the TRIVIA [ the bot ] is online by typing
!add question*answer

example :

!add What cell secretes testosterone in males?*Leydig cells

The bot will then acknowledge your contribution by replying. This will not yet be addedd directly into the question bank as itll be subjected to review.

You can also contribute questions by using the format below, saving it in notepad, wordpad or MS Word and sending it directly to [ Note : ANSWERS BELOW ARE NOT FACTUAL ]

1. Category : Question*Answer

Example :

Community Health Nursing : How many grams of sodium bicarbonate is advocated by WHO/DOH in a commercialized oresol pocket*100 grams

2. Category : Clue : Question*Answer

Example :

Professional Adjustment : RA _ _ _ _ : Establishes National Policy on Population and created POPCOM*9999

3. Question*Answer

Example :

How many pints of blood does the average human have in his/her body*Thirty


You can create questions with MULTPLE answers by adding another *Answer after the previous *Answer.

Format :

Question*Answer1*Answer2*Answer3*Answer4 and so on.

Example :

Medical Surgical Nursing : Separate your answer with comas : Malaria is characterized by triad of recurrent symptoms which are*Chills,fever,sweating*chills,sweating,fever

In the above example, all answers are accepted. This is useful in cases wherein, multiple answers are required like symptoms, nursing process, triage management, prioritization, etc.


Please use the following categories

1. Medical Surgical Nursing
2. Community Health Nursing
3. Nursing Management
4. Professional Adjustment
5. Psychiatric Nursing
6. Obstetric Nursing
7. Pediatric Nursing
8. Fundamentals Of Nursing
9. Nutrition
10. Pharmacology
11. Computation
12. Unscrammble the words

The category list will expand as needed, You can also use your own category if it fails to fall in any of the categories suggested above

IMPORTANT : Each question should be seperated using a new line or break.

Example of correct format:

Obstetric Nursing : Husband and wife who are the official endorser of the necklace method by the DOH*Mahal and Jimboy
Obstetric Nursing : How many white beads are there in the necklace method of contraception*100 beads
Obstetric Nursing : How many brown beads are there in the necklace method of contraception*50 beads

Example of bad format : [ Absence of line breaks or spacing ]

Obstetric Nursing : Husband and wife who are the official endorser of the necklace method by the DOH*Mahal and Jimboy Obstetric Nursing : How many white beads are there in the necklace method of contraception*100 beads Obstetric Nursing : How many brown beads are there in the necklace method of contraception*50 beads

Send your contribution using any text format : Word, Notepad, Wordpad, etc... to


Click the sample widget below to download a sample question bank. Follow its format carefully.

Hosted by eSnips


Each contributed questions is equivalent to 1 point. Trivia ranking is based on point system. Ranking are permanently uploaded on the sidebar and on the site and is updated weekly after Trivia starts officially.


Admins and blog members are not included in the ranking. Ranking is uploaded weekly, it is cumulative and uses the point system. Each week, the top 10 scorer's name are published in Pinoy BSN. Only nickname that are registered are published in the ranking system. PinoyBSNGuests are required to change their nick for them to be included by typing /nick NEWNAME. For more information about chat commands and nick name registration, click


We are thanking you in advance for your contribution. We are aiming for 100,000 questions database. IMPOSSIBLE? It's not for us nursing students and nurses!

More power......

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