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NBI to summon 22 nursing school deans

NBI to summon 22 nursing school deans
By Tetch TorresINQ7.netLast updated 07:43pm (Mla time) 09/05/2006
THE National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) will summon 22 deans of nursing schools and reviewers who attended the June 8 and 9 "final coaching" of the Inress Review Center during which a PowerPoint presentation of leaked questions in the nursing licensure examinations was allegedly shown.

NBI Anti-Fraud and Computer Division chief Elfren Meneses said they will also summon again the owners of the RA Gapus and Pentagon review centers as well as former Philippine Nursing Association president George Cordero to answer some questions.
Meneses they already have a copy of the PowerPoint presentation that witness Dennis Bautista said contained the actual questions, particularly those in Tests 3 and 5, of the licensure examination particularly Test 3 and 5.

He added that they will also look at the bank accounts of officials of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), Board of Nursing (BoN) and Cordero who allegedly financed the trip of BoN officials to the International Nursing Conference in Switzerland.

Meneses said these will be the scope of the second phase of their investigation.
On the first phase of their investigation, the NBI recommended that charges be filed against BoN officials Virginia Madeja and Anisia Dionisio for allegedly leaking tests 5 and 3, respectively.
Meneses also encouraged those with knowledge of the leakage to help them.
"I guarantee them that they will be safe and protected," Meneses said.

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