It has to go in a custom footer (not html module) to work*. The source, which also has some interesting thoughts on the desirability of disabling right click, is below: *Using in a custom footer:replace all code in xslt box with this: ]]>

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New JAVA BASED Chat module instruction

New JAVA BASED Chat module instruction
Due to necessity for moderation caused by overwhelming chatters who uses the chatroom to annoy and provoke, PinoyBSN Decided to put up an IRC Based chatroom instead.

You can either use MIRC by setting the server to: IRC.IRCSTORM.NET port: 6667 and joining the channel: #pinoybsn

Instruction for web based chatting :

1. If you do not have JAVA, download it on this link : please follow the instructions carefully on that site.

2. Install JAVA after downloading.

3. Enter the site, wait for the interface to be loaded.

4. Enter your desired NICKNAME on the "Your nickname" Box and press connect.

5. Register your nickname by typing /msg nickserv register password email

6. On you subsequent visit, make sure you identify using your registered nick by typing /msg nickserv identify password

7. If your chosen nickname is not available [ someone else registered it first ] Your name will be changed to Guest**** after few seconds, wherein , * are random numbers. Type /nick newname and try to register again using the command /msg nickserv register password email

this will protect your identity by preventing others from using your name.

For any comments, suggestion and question ... comment down below.

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